

Proof of concept paper ring

Sometimes I make things from recycled material. Here is a ring I made from old magazines cut up in stripes. The core is a sturdy cardboard square. The whole thing is covered with clear varnish.

This one won't wander in the shop because of smaller imperfections, but the concept seems to work. Time to make nicer ones.


My light tent

After getting a new camera with a decent macro I faced the problem that I didn't have a possibility to make photos of the thing I make with enough light and the possibility to change the backdrop.
What I came up with was this box made out of 4 cardboard frames (approx 23x23cm) covered with sandwich paper. The frames are connected with velcro, so when I don't need the box i just collapse it. The lighting is provided by 3 desk lamps and the backdrop is a A4 paper taped to a wooden skewer.

Here is an example picture (a snail made of a fork):

Click on it to see the original picture size.


We are up and running.

Hi there! This is my first entry in my new blog over here. In this blog I will show you the stuff I make and give you a look behind the scenes.