

Watercolor Wednesday: The Beginning

Hi there! I decided take up the struggle with an old enemy of mine. When I was a kid, we had art classes in school. A lot of hours were dedicated to watercoloring, which I never liked in some way. In retrospect I feel like I had a great tool at hand, which I never learned to use right. Inspired by the great William Berryman and Carl Larsson I bought a set of colors and a paper and started my encounter with this old enemy. In the times to come I am going to put here on Watercolor Wednesday one of my watercoloring exercises. This will be a chance for you to witness my rise to perfectionism or my struggle and failure. Either way it might be entertaining.

Starting off with an easy exercise, I present you the first apples.

Disclaimer: The exercise depicted here was based on the tutorial on Yong Chen.

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