

Upcycle: The T-Shirt Scarf

Have some shirts laying around you don’t want anymore? Why not make a scarf out of them?

Here is how:

1. Cut your shirts in stripes. I used two shirts and cut the strips 20cm (about 8 inches) wide. After this I cut away the side seems.  IMG_3080

2. Lay out the strips to see if your scarf will be long enough.


3. Sew the strips together.


4. Pin the two faces of the scarf together.


5. Sew the sides together, so you have a long tube.

6. Turn the tube inside out.

7. Sew the sides again.

8. Now sew the tube shut about 10cm from the ends.

9. Cut the ends in to get some fringe. And you are done.


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