

A Didgeridoo Drawstring Bag How-To

Her is a short tutorial for a didgeridoo bag. We recently purchased a bamboo didgeridoo without an appropriate transport bag. Crafters to the rescue! Lets make an awesome bag that no one else has.

Step 1: Cutting the fabric

Here I cut a fabric piece of 132x32 cm for a 120 cm long didgeridoo. A heavy fabric does just fine.


Step 2: Add some loops

Later we want to attach some kind of handle or shoulder strap. So we add two 10 cm strap parts which are doubled to make some loops. One loop is near the bottom and one a good bit lower than the top.


The looped part is pointing to the inside of the fabric. Later when sewed and turned inside-out the loop will be on the outside.


Step 3: Double the fabric and pin it down

Just double the fabric and pin it in place, so you can go on sewing.


Step 4: Sew, baby, sew

OK, this might seem difficult, but it really is easy to do. Sew with 1 cm tolerance the bottom and the side, leaving about 5 cm on top unsewn.


Double the top side you left free to the inside and then down. Sew it in place. This will be the tunnel for the drawstring.


If this step is confusing, I am referring you to the Purl Bee, where you can see the technique in another project. To all stitches I added a second zigzag stitch to keep the fabric from frilling.

Step 5: Turn the bag inside-out and add the shoulder strap and drawstring

Well … turn the bag inside-out and add the shoulder strap and drawstring.



Step 6: Put the didgeridoo in it

That’s it. Have fun!


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