

The Recycled Mini-Notebook (Matchbook Style)

Here I present you how to make a recycled mini-notebook:

  1. Cut a strip of cardboard of 14.5x5.5cm. Cereal boxes work great!
  2. Score the cardbord 4 times. Distances 1.5cm, 1.75cm, 8cm and 8.5cm measured from one edge. Optional: Put  sellotape over the scores. This prevents the cardboard from ripping on the folds.
  3. Cut an A4 paper down to 12x5cm strips. IF you have leftovers, you can try to get some more 6x5cm pieces.
  4. Fold the paper down the middle and make a stack.
  5. 1cm from the fold make an incision with a cutter. This will help to rip out pages easier. If you do not want to rip out the pages, you can just skip this step.Figaflors_i_Braves_IMG_0638
  6. Cut a cover page 6x5cm. You will need this if you have followed step 5, because the front flap will hang up on the cuts, when you close the notebook.
  7. Stack the cover page on the blank pages and put the pages in the cardboard cover. Staple the pages to the cardboard (staple through cardboard latch, pages and cardboard back).
  8. Slip the front under the latch and you finished your matchbook style notebook.Figaflors_i_Braves_IMG_0658

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